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Leading bank prevents downtime risks, reduces mean time to acknowledge using OpManager Plus

Most customers today demand digital access to services through mobile and online banking. More than 80% of transactions in India, for example, are conducted digitally through Unified Payments Interface platforms, commonly referred to as UPI, according to recent data from the Reserve Bank of India. This shift in consumer usage behavior in today’s world has underscored the significance of IT infrastructure for the BFSI sector.
But maintaining the health of a network for enterprise IT infrastructures can be a challenging task, especially when tools to manage the network are deployed from multiple vendors. The problem with multiple monitoring solutions is that data is scattered across multiple systems.
This data fragmentation complicates monitoring and impacts the IT department’s ability to streamline tasks, ultimately reducing productivity. As a result, customer satisfaction often takes a hit, creating unhappy customers and threatening to dissuade customers and negatively impact revenue.
Recognizing these challenges, a leading bank in India embarked on a journey to address these issues by transitioning to a unified IT infrastructure monitoring solution, leading them to discover ManageEngine OpManager Plus.
The perils of relying on multiple monitoring systems 
In line with its digital first strategy, the bank built an IT infrastructure and relied on multiple monitoring solutions to oversee it. However, over time, they observed that numerous issues were impacting their overall efficiency.
Lengthy troubleshooting process led to delayed decisions
When each IT team uses dedicated tools, the IT personnel do not find themselves on the same page while analyzing an outage or an issue. As a result, pinpointing the root cause of issues became a challenge and escalated the time taken to troubleshoot issues.
With the overall time taken to troubleshoot issues sky-rocketing, the bank found itself struggling to deliver a high-quality digital experience. This had a negative impact on its reputation, and the bank faced the threat of losing valuable customers because of network problems.
Huge costs involved
Using separate tools for each purpose entailed procuring separate licenses, and the cumulative cost of these licenses was exorbitantly high. Added to this was the cost of underlying hardware to operate the solutions, along with the potential cost of cloud solutions. The management of these licenses further complicated the process, adding another layer of complexity.
Time involved in learning to use the tool
A major drawback the bank faced with its existing system was the substantial amount of time and effort required to train the employees to use the tools. Each tool presented a unique learning curve as each was from a different vendor; each demanded additional training time to get used to comfortable using them.
OpManager Plus: Single solution to overcome all IT challenges 
The bank leadership felt that the only way they could solve these challenges was by consolidating the tools and transitioning to a unified solution. A comprehensive IT network management solution would enable them to monitor their entire IT and would be a cost-effective solution.
After evaluating multiple vendors, the bank chose OpManager Plus for the value proposition it provided at an affordable price point. The bank was able to leverage OpManager Plus features and enhance the monitoring process.
Benefits reaped after transitioning to OpManager Plus include:

Streamlined day to day monitoring tasks

Reduced expenses incurred due to multiple licenses

Comprehensive visibility in a unified console

Simplifed troubleshooting process

Avoided the potential threat of tool sprawl

Streamlined monitoring tasks
With several tools in place, the IT personnel previously had to shift multiple screens to read the data and make sense of it. However, with its OpManager Plus solution in place the bank’s IT department could monitor all aspects of its network from servers, to application performance metrics from a single pane of glass, effectively streamlining its monitoring tasks.
Mitigated licensing costs
Transitioning to OpManager Plus enabled the bank to consolidate and reduce its total number of tools to less than 10 from over 50 tools. This eliminated the huge costs involved in upgrading and renewing licenses for multiple solutions and enabled the bank to perform all operations with a single solution.
More exclusive insights are shared in our case study!
Uncover detailed insights on how the bank’s IT infrastructure benefited with its transition to OpManager Plus by reviewing our latest case study.

Discover how the bank navigated downtime risks during a real-world critical server migration process

Learn firsthand how the bank’s IT staff leveraged OpManager Plus to bring down its mean time to acknowledge (MTTA) value down to 3 minutes

Read the case study now and get a deeper understanding of our solution.

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